30 years of development and partnerships.
We set out 30 years ago, to delivering goods to people, bringing together businesses and communities. We have kept on doing it day by day ever since and we have exceeded our greatest expectations, and, at times, our limits. Back then, we took bold strides to set the foundations of a family-like environment, with a hands-on approach and a special care for details.
This has brought us to this day, when we are proud to be able to provide integrated distribution and logistic solutions by selling complementary products and services in Romania and beyond. We've set a high value on people, forming a strong and competent team, capable of performance and remarkable results. Thus, we have become an important and appreciated player in the integrated services market, with a turnover of over 450 million euros.
Our symbol is the Aquila, the eagle. We thoroughly identify with its prowess by always striving to spread our wings and aim high, always true to our vision. We reach for the skies, we are strong, loyal and proud of all we have been building. We strongly believe it’s only through unrelenting respect for what we do that we were able to keep and expand our wingspan. This is what we think excellence really is. And we validate it day by day through our people: the team and the partners we chose for the long haul - years and decades of trust and respect. We look towards the future with confidence, keeping true to our promise to be better and thus, bring a better tomorrow all around us.
We are welcoming Cleanic in our portfolio
Start of the partnership with P&G
Signed the Partnership with IFFCO, Upfield, Lavazza
Acquisition of AGRIROM company
Manner joined Aquila’s partnership portfolio
Opened the Dragomierești Logistic Parc
Introduction of the Food-service Division
Partnership with Kimbo
Signed the partnership with Imperial Tobacco
We extended our business line by entering Gas Station channel
Partnership with DHL and Coca-Cola
Essity was added to Aquila’s partnership portfolio
Signing the partnership with Phillips
The start of a subsidiary company in the Republic of Moldova
Started the partnership with Ferrero and Mars
Signing up with our oldest partner, Unilever
The start of Aquila company